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jueves, 16 de abril de 2020

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✍🤩 Dan Brown Masterclass of writing: recommendations for being a best writer

Yesterday Dan Brown, the famous author of some of the bestsellers most recognized in the last decade, do a virtual Masterclass in Youtube and answer some questions. This are some notes was I taking and want to share with you, because I think this kind of ideas are excellent to many people who have problems organized their own writhing.

Like a little note, this channel where Dan Brown offer a complete course of writing, have dozens of videos related to development talent in many fields like fashion, art, photography, business and writing. I highly recommend take at look to this channel.

So, this are some of the core ideas of Dan Brown for people whit troubles to sit down and write:

Protect the process

He speaks about protect the time and the space what we reserve to write. Doesn’t care about what happens in your life or if you have other things to do during the day, you need protect that time what you decide to invest writing.

Don’t make the chaos of the world bullying your writing (learn to scape and protect that imaginary world, what is yours, and make writing a perfect refuge for that chaotic real world)

Make find some spaces to write, even if that space is close to a wash machine. Here He speak about the process of write The Da Vinci Code in the home of their parent and the real situation of sit down to write in the lingerie room.

Write must be a priority

Sit down all days in the same chair, at the same hour to write
Las primeras 50 páginas son las difíciles y procrastinaba mucho y probablemente debería haber ido más rápido

The first fifty pages are the most difficult ones. He procrastinates a lot and probably that will be one thing to unlearn and because that he goes more slowly than what he wants.

When you write nonfiction, you must be very precise. Choose a Good topic and be honest with your readers. (When you write a historic novel, you can play with facts, because is fiction!)

Make the characters confront their demons, learn to define times and spaces in your writing.

About motivation

When you give up and accept the failure and the idea what says to you “don’t have talent” is when you stop write. But if you are capable to maintain yourself writing you will be succeeding. We learn committing errors, we learn of people better than ours, writers better than ours. “I want to make it better; I could make it better” in that way I staying motivated myself.

We can share our writing and have feedback be the social media. Is different than just ten years before.

“I will do better than what I do yesterday and I will protect my process”
“I motivated myself in the real world, in spaces of the real world, travel a lot, read a lot, meditate every day, walk my dog. Is difficult to me watch news, read others novels during my own process of writing. I walk, I meditate, etc. Look what happens in your mind when is empty”. (Advice's for stimulate imagination)

About editing
You need some couple of day to revised and edit was you writing.

“For avoid back to re-read and re-edit I change the background color of the text and the previous text in the same color, in that way I cannot see it”

Never underestimate the reader.

Create three types of characters. One highly suspicious, a second a little less suspicious but with weirds behaviors and finally a third character what is the real anti-hero. The reader will be surprised but we have let down many clues in all the previous narration.

Don’t edit from the computer, print it.

¿What you thing about these advices, can work for your process of writing better?

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